As parents we know the importance of being present, engaged and intentional in our relationships with our children. Most of us desire it from deep within our hearts. I think it's easy to overthink creating meaningful moments. Don't let the gimmicks, the gurus and the 'gram get in your head. All you need is a little bit of time, quiet and heart.
Here is one prompt out of my upcoming guide for children. Use this as a base to facilitate a moment of connection with your sweet babe. Edit, interpret and go off the cuff- you know your kid will, don't reign them in- follow their lead.
Me Soup!
If we think of our bodies and beautiful pots that hold a soup- me soup!- what is the recipe for you?
What expressions do you make with your face and your body? Make a smile, put it in. Do your special silly face, pour it in.
What gifts and talents do you have? Or what are you really good at? Add lots of that to your soup for flavor.
When you share your soup with others, what ingredients do they see? Which ingredients do they see as special?
How do you like to share your soup with others? With hugs or kisses or playdates? What flavors do they like best?
What is your favorite part of you soup?
Try to spin around or jump on the bed to stir up your soup.
Did you try this with your little one? Please share with me how it went!